The base of hiking on a glacier

The base of hiking on a glacier

Ortovox takes you on a glacier discovery tour with the SAFETY ACADEMY high mountain hiking course! Thanks to our comprehensive training programme, you'll be able to acquire the skills you need to progress in an alpine environment in complete safety. Careful planning and preparation are essential if you are to identify potential alpine hazards early on and avoid them. We focus in particular on the choice of equipment and safety aspects, as well as the knots needed to master the most diverse situations. Our experienced mountain guides will teach you not only how to handle your rope, ice axe and crampons, but also how to move and find your way around glaciers safely and independently. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the high mountains, and learn the skills you need to become more independent and safer. With us, safety in the mountains comes first!
5 journées
Next training :From 1 May To May 4, 2025
Price per person5 journéesInformation at +33 450 57 82 59
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For more information, contact us at
+33 450 57 82 59
Experts chevronnés de la montagne
Équipement de qualité, mesures strictes
Vous accompagner à votre rythme
The base of mountaineering

The base of mountaineering

Alpine hazards and meteorology
Knowledge of knots and equipment
Planning outings
Rope-tying techniques
Using ropes, ice axes and crampons
Front and vertical cramponing techniques
Setting up a belay in névé and ice
Rescuing from crevasses
Cushioning falls
Moving independently on glaciers
To pass on basic knowledge and skills for glacier trekking
On ice and in the high mountains
Walking with crampons (vertical cramponing technique and introduction to front-point cramponing technique)
Fall techniques, correct roping and mastery of hiking equipment
Basic rescue techniques (self-rescue, team hauling, pulley blocks)

Autres activités qui pourraient vous intéresser


Good to know about the training
The base of hiking on a glacier

The price include
Supervision for 5 days by a mountain guide.
Loan of equipment (harness, helmet, ice axes and crampons) according to availability.
The price doesn't include
Accommodation, meals and other expenses.
Transport to the meeting point.
Transport during the course is by car pooling between participants.
Required gear
30-40 litre rucksack
Cramponable mountaineering boots
Warm, windproof clothing
Climbing shoes

Of course, if you don't have all the equipment, we can lend or hire it out, subject to availability.
Time and meeting place
Your guide will contact you to confirm the exact time and place of the meeting on D1, but in general the meeting is scheduled for around 8.30am on day 1 and the course finishes around 3pm.
Level required
You must be able to walk and climb in easy rock terrain of level 3 to 4, walk for a long time on a hike of 4 to 5 hours and not be overweight.
You must already have completed the "Basic rock climbing" and "Basic big-pitch climbing" courses or have experience of big-pitch rock climbing.
A tout moment, le guide se réserve le droit de modifier ou d’interrompre le programme pour des raisons météorologiques ou pour cause de niveau technique ou physique insuffisant des participants, ou pour des raisons liées à la sécurité.
Stage axé sur l’apprentissage et la pédagogie.
Petit groupe pour un enseignement de qualité et un maximum de sécurité (6 personnes maximum par guide).
Une capacité d’adaptation à votre niveau et à vos envies.
Le stage se déroulera dans le massif du Mont Blanc et le guide pourra vous communiquer le refuge qui sera à réserver par vos soins en fonction des conditions météo (prévoir environ un budget de 110€/pers/jour en formule demi-pension)
Le stage se déroulera dans le massif du Mont Blanc et le guide pourra vous communiquer le refuge qui sera à réserver par vos soins en fonction des conditions météo (prévoir environ un budget de 110€/pers/jour en formule demi-pension)

Activities guides The base of hiking on a glacier

Jérémy Janody
Rock climbing
Ski Touring
Via Ferrata
Ice Climbing
Team Bulding
Security training
Ski Freeride
Children and teens
Jérémy Janody

Mountain Guide

See all guides
Meeting place
For further information, please contact us

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