Traversée Beccaz - Crêt des Mouches

Traversée Beccaz - Crêt des Mouches

The traversal from the Pointe de la Beccaz (2041m) to the Crêt des mouches (2033m) is a long and aerial limestone ridge climb overlooking the Montmin valley in Haute-Savoie. It is an ideal course for learning confidence in movement and quite formative for the adventure terrain. It is a great route for future first timers who want to acquire a solid technical base for rope handling on the tapered ridge or in rocky high mountain terrain. This course is not to be taken lightly, it is long and requires alpine or mountain feet, as many passages are exposed and delicate. The view of the Mont-Blanc massif and Lake Annecy is incredible, the setting is wild and you will only come across a few roped parties of rock runners.
Montmin - Massif des Bornes
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Experts chevronnés de la montagne
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A ridge of more than one kilometre

A ridge of more than one kilometre

Like a backbone, this ridge, which allows you to cross from the Pointe de la Beccaz to the Crêt des Mouches, is a real rock race in the middle of the mountain, with many atypical passages summarising this journey between lake and mountain.
The ascent of the Pointe de la Beccaz remains a delicate part where the assurance is difficult for the rope, fortunately lunulas and trees allow to progress until chimneys where the climbing without being difficult remained, rather baroque. The summit is reached by a mixed climb (loose rock) but the view is panoramic at 360° on the Alps, for all that the race hardly begins! 
The ridge goes down to a first pit which we abseil, the aerial and full gas atmosphere is felt, then the route continues to the next pit passing by a "mailbox", easy climbing sections, and a few more steps. This section is long and spectacular, with easy climbs, razors and other descents to negotiate.
The second abseiling gives access to a length of climbing in 4c that can be climbed in shoes, then to an apotheosis finish on a tapered "Razor" that it is not rare to cross astride, feet in the grooves on each side of the ridge! 
All that remains is to progress on mixed terrain to the summit of the crêt des mouches, this part is still long, and one alternates between bypassing gendarmes, climbing and balancing on abrasive and white limestone.
However, the race is not over and it is advisable to keep a good safety margin, because there is still 1h30 of walking to get back to the bottom of the valley, and yes here there is no cable car like in Chamonix! 

Other ridge routes to discover:

Arête Nord de la Tournette dans le massif des Bornes
Arête à Marion dans le Massif des Aravis
Traversée du Roc des Boeufs dans le Massif des Bauges



Good to know about the adventure
Traversée Beccaz - Crêt des Mouches

The price includes
Supervision by a high mountain guide.
Loan of technical equipment: harness and helmet.
2 people maximum for 1 high mountain guide.
The price doesn't included
Transport to the departure of the race
Food and drink
Individual equipment and materials on request
Personnal equipment to gear
Walking or mountaineering shoes
Climbing shoes (if necessary)
20 to 30 liters backpack
Water bottle
Technical clothing
Walking poles
Technical data
-Difficulty: AD / 4+/5a obligatory-5a max (some steps) / Length = 1000 m
-Equipment to be completed from Friends to N°1, possibly some stoppers, ropes for the lunulas in place
-Altitude min 1050 m / max 2037 m
-Elevation gain :1000 m
-Elevation gain on the ridge: 100 m
-Approach: 1h45 to 2 from Montmin.
Required level
Be able to climb 4+/5a
Good physical condition required: good walker ( approximately 1000 m of ascent)

Activities guides Traversée Beccaz - Crêt des Mouches

Jérémy Janody
Rock climbing
Ski Touring
Via Ferrata
Ice Climbing
Team Bulding
Security training
Ski Freeride
Children and teens
Jérémy Janody

Mountain Guide

Rémi Riquet
Rock climbing
Ski Touring
Via Ferrata
Ice Climbing
Security training
Ski Freeride
Rémi Riquet

Mountain Guide

See all guides
Meeting place
For further information, please contact us

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